The Link For Freedom Foundation campaigns to assist Iranian supporters of the third way, achieve peaceful democratic change for the better in Iran. These organisations are in turn supported by International Parliamentarians, current and former Ambassadors, and Military Organisations familiar with events on the ground in Iran and the wider Middle East.
Our Objectives

The Link for Freedom Foundation has two primary objectives:

1. To provide clear access to comprehensive and reliable information, including first hand accounts of many events, to enable visitors to the site to form their own opinion about the National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI), established in Tehran in 1981 and then removed to exile in France, and the Peoples Mojaheddin Organisation of Iran (PMOI), the largest group within the NCRI, who have been struggling since 1965 to achieve freedom and democracy for their homeland.

2. To  co-ordinate campaigns to challenge the executive policies of our Western governments and other democratic institutions, such as the United Nations, and the reporting policies of the media, towards the NCRI and PMOI. These include:

  • dislodging key documents which, though discredited many times, are still used to underpin their long-standing policy of appeasement towards the Iranian regime and justify their actions towards the NCRI/PMOI
  • demanding that governments and the United Nations fulfil their clear obligations under humanitarian and international law towards the 3,000+ members of the PMOI, 1,000 of them women, who established their exile home in Iraq in 1986 and have suffered, and continue to suffer, from the devastating consequences of the 2003 War on Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom) and its aftermath.
  • demanding that past atrocities towards the NCRI/PMOI, such as the execution of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran, the majority PMOI members, during a few months of 1988, be investigated and the perpetrators, many of whom, including the incoming President Rowhani, still hold high office in Iran, brought to justice.

The PMOI and NCRI have been subject to a massive misinformation campaign launched by the Iranian regime and disseminated by it’s agents around the world, ever since 1981 when they and millions of other peace and freedom loving Iranians started leaving Iran in droves for a life of exile in countries around the world.

Although each and every allegation against the PMOI/NCRI has been investigated and found to lack credibility, by

  • numerous courts in the UK, Europe and the United States;
  • high profile government officials from 4 US administrations;
  • professional experts in reports to Congress, monographs and books;
  • US military staff on the ground in Iraq from 2003;
  • UK and European parliamentary delegations to Ashraf, home to the PMOI in Iraq;
  • a senior official with the UN in Iraq who resigned in 2012 so he could tell the truth about UN duplicity in the transfer of the PMOI to Camp Liberty, Iraq.  

The same allegations continue to occur with monotonous regularity, especially in the fertile ground of the Internet.

We have become increasingly concerned about the difficulties of obtaining a balanced view from the Internet, especially in the light of the mass of data, from all angles, added in the run up to the June 2013 elections in Iran and the 2 months prior to Rowhani’s inauguration as the new President on 4 August. This data continues to expand exponentially..

We are also concerned about the increasing unreliability of the information to be found on the publicly editable sites such as Wikepedia, especially for entries such as the “Peoples Mojaheddin Organisation of Iran” and the “National Council of Resistance for Iran”. These entries are now changing on a frequent basis and the information has become very skewed and, as a result, difficult to assess, let alone come to an informed judgment about.

 For these reasons, our aim for the Link for Freedom Foundation site is to provide a structured and reliable means of accessing key information of all flavours in order to enable people to make an independent assessment of the issues.

We freely acknowledge that what we have witnessed and our own independent research makes us committed to ensuring that the precious, dedicated  and courageous lives of the PMOI members in Ashraf and Camp Liberty are safeguarded and aligns us with the NCRI goal of achieving democratic change in Iran. It has also made us very aware that the Prime Minister of Iraq, Nouri Al-Maliki, by continuing to oppress the PMOI in Iraq, is acting as a puppet of the Iranian regime, not in accordance with the wishes of the Iraqi people.  He is only able to do so by ignoring democratic principle and running everything himself directly out of the Prime Minister’s office.

However, we have no problem with providing access to information giving a contrary opinion and encourage visitors to approach with an open mind.


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