The Link For Freedom Foundation campaigns to assist Iranian supporters of the third way, achieve peaceful democratic change for the better in Iran. These organisations are in turn supported by International Parliamentarians, current and former Ambassadors, and Military Organisations familiar with events on the ground in Iran and the wider Middle East.
Join LFF today

Join Link For Freedom today

Our Link for Freedom Foundation is a campaigning force to support our friends in Camps Liberty in Iraq, and call for the Third Way, or democratic peaceful regime change in Iran.

We campaign and lobby the UN, the UK Parliament, and the International Media to keep the spotlight on Asraf and Liberty, and with your help we will increase this pressure significantly in the coming months.

We are asking for an annual joining fee of only £50 per year, (just over £4 per month), and accept PayPal or credit/debit cards via PayPal - see 'How to Join' below.

Downloadable Brochure (click picture to download)


How to Join

Download print and share our brochure HERE - or click on the image above.  Note this is an online version of the trifold printed version so read from the last panel of the first page.  You can print off, fill in and send to the address on the brochure form. 

Alternatively, connect to Paypal to make an annual automatic subscription of £50 using the JOIN NOW button on the right hand side of this page - no Paypal account required.

Why We Joined

...we are not powerless if we band together and stand
up for what is right. I was delighted to find out about
the work that LFF is doing, and as a member I feel I am
part of this vital force for change.


RC - London

In my view Iran under the current regime is probably
the biggest threat to the World...  ...Joining LFF allows
me to make a contribution alongside like minded
people who are Campaigning for change.



RM - South Bucks

I joined to help the people fighting one of the world's
most evil and dangerous regimes...  This fight is vital
and most people seem either never to have heard of it,
or to have heard shameless lies invented to discredit it.



CB - Lewes

We need to do more than leave matters to chosen
leaders.  LFF provides an opportunity for engaging with
those ... called upon to make decisions on our behalf.



SR - London

I joined LFF to join my voice with other ordinary British
citizens in bringing pressure on the UK government
and other authorities in the world to play their part in
supporting human rights in Iran



RT - Westminster

I co-founded LFF to inform and amplify the voice of
ordinary people...  ... to support the Iranian Resistance,
its leader Maryam Rajavi and her 10 point plan for a
change to secular non-nuclear government in Iran.



LC - London

I shall never forget the day in London that made me
sign to the Iranian Opposition.  Wondering what more
I could do, I discovered people who thought like me,
also determined to make a change.

We became LFF.



CC - Middlesex



Rand Report Cam
3  signatures so far
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