The Link For Freedom Foundation campaigns to assist Iranian supporters of the third way, achieve peaceful democratic change for the better in Iran. These organisations are in turn supported by International Parliamentarians, current and former Ambassadors, and Military Organisations familiar with events on the ground in Iran and the wider Middle East.

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A few of the books written by and about about the members of the People's Mojaheddin Organisation of Iran (PMOI). 

Enemies of the Ayatollahs

Published in 2004 after the fall of Saddam Hussein, this book, written by Mohammad Mohaddessin, an early and respected member of the PMOI, tells the story of the PMOI and its struggle against the religious fundamentalism of the Mullhas who seized power in Iran in 1979. It also highlights the dangers to the Western world of appeasing the current regime with its nuclear ambitions and aim of spreading its brand of  Islamic fundamentalism throughout the region.

Shackled by a Twisted History

Written by Lincoln Bloomfield Jr and published in 2013 this monograph rebuts many of  the damaging allegations made against the Mujaheddin by the Iranian regime and its agents.  Lincoln Bloomfield Jr. first assessed these allegations when asked to produce an objective report as part of the MEK de-listing campaign. His findings, published in August 2011, showed that there was very little credible evidence to support the allegations. After visiting the NCRI headquarters in Paris, he was further convinced in favour of the Mujaheddin and reported this in no uncertain terms to Congress on 7 December 2011.

Robin Corbett of Castle Vale

This booklet was produced by Lord Corbett's wife, Lady Val Corbett, after her husband's death on 19 February 2012. It is a very fitting tribute to all the interests and achievements of a passionate, dedicated and courageous man. There is a very powerful section on the tireless work he carried out right up until his death in support of the Iranian Resistance and the memorial service given by Maryam Rajavi in his honour.

Prisoner of Tehran:  One Woman's Story of Survival Inside an Iranian Prison (Free Press,2007)

Written by Marina Nemat 

Women Against Fundamentalism, by Maryam Rajavi

This book describes Islamic fundamentalism as practised in Iran and in particular its effect on women, and argues that Islam is compatible with sex equality.   It tells the story of women's struggles in the Iranian resistance, sets out the possibilities of a change to democracy and cites the example of women in Ashraf as a role model.

The Untold Story of Camp Ashraf, by Tahar Boumedra

The former Chief of the Human Rights Office of United Nations Assistance Mission to Iraq and Adviser to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Camp Ashraf provides a detailed history of the UN's treatment of the Ashrafis from the time of their handover to Iraq, up to and including the transfer to Camp Liberty, explaining how staff collaborated with the Government of Iraq in misleading the West about the facts.

Arab Rebels and Iranian Dissidents:  New Landscape Allows Reset of Iran Policy, by Raymond Tanter

Professor Tanter, author of several books on Middle East history and politics, describes the workings of revolutions in general and particularly the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, the history and future of the Mojahedin and the US's involvement, giving a history of Iran's nuclear activities and concluding with suggestions for change and how it might be achieved.

NO PICTURE Unethical Policy:  Foreign Office's Position on Mullahs and Iranian Resistance Under Scrutiny, by Mohammad Mohaddessin  (Out of Print)

This book briefly sums up the attitude of the Foreign Office in London to the Mullahs' regime, explaining how prominent members of the Labour Party's support evaporated once they took power.   It also describes how the threats against Salman Rushdie's life were handled, and the shutting down of the charity Iran Aid on the Mullahs' instructions.

Face to Face with the Beast:  Iranian women in mullahs' prisons, by Hengameh Haj Hassan

The author, a student nurse during the 1979 revolution, became a Mojahed activist and was arrested and imprisoned in Evin and Ghezel Hessar.   She gives full details of her interrogation and conditions in prison, including torture and being shut in the disciplinary blocks, the prisoners' efforts to resist the guards, and her determination to bear witness to them.   She escaped to Ashraf and now lives in Albania.

The Price of Being Human:  my fight against the mullahs, by Azam Hadj Heydari

The author was the daughter of a fanatical supporter of the mullahs, reacted against her background by joining the Mojahedin and was sent to prison, where her experiences included being tortured by one of her brothers, as well as solitary confinement in the dark.   She also describes resistance among the prisoners.   On her release she decided to go to Ashraf.   She now lives in Albania.


If the Walls Could Speak by Mahine Latif

Out of Print

Meet the NCRI - National Council of Resistance of Iran

A brief overview of the NCRI's structure and the history of the resistance movement, with chapters on Camp Ashraf, the NCRI's diplomatic successes, the role of women, the NCRI's interpretation of Islam and its vision for the future.


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