The Link For Freedom Foundation campaigns to assist Iranian supporters of the third way, achieve peaceful democratic change for the better in Iran. These organisations are in turn supported by International Parliamentarians, current and former Ambassadors, and Military Organisations familiar with events on the ground in Iran and the wider Middle East.
The Forbidden Music of Iran


Support Rosa Conrad who is seeking to crowdfund £2,500 by 31st March 2015.  Listen to Rosa singing "One Life - a song for Ashraf"  Visit Rosa's website for her story at

The Forbidden Music of Iran

When, in 1979, Khomeini hijacked the People’s Revolution against the oppressive rule of the Shah and made himself Supreme Leader, embedding the principle of velayat-el faqih (absolute clerical control, with misogyny at its heart) into the Constitution, most forms of music were banned as “haram” (unlawful). Any form of Western music is haram, or any music that makes people feel happy, or excited, as it takes their minds off the solemn contemplation of Allah - puritanism at its most extreme!! Women are not allowed to sing in public and, when an orchestra does perform on Iranian television, nothing can be shown below the waist so many of the instruments are never seen! 

We want to show you that music is indeed the food of love - and of resistance to puritanical oppression. Here are the stories and music of some of those the mullahs have made a point of suppressing, from soon after they took control - such as Marjan and Marzieh - to the present day - the 2014 arrest and sentencing of the "Happy band".

We want you to realise what a priority it was for the members of the Iranian resistance living in Ashraf, Iraq, a beacon of hope and inspiration for the Iranian people, to build a beautiful concert hall.. And what a crushing blow the Iranian regime intended to deal them when, through its proxy, Nouri al-Maliki, Prime Minister of Iraq, they were not allowed to take any music making equipment with them when they were duped into re-location to Camp Liberty during 2012.

However, although the musicians may have been forced into silence, the music still lives on in our hearts and through videos of performances from Ashraf. 

We also bring you music made by lovers of freedom and justice around the world to demonstrate their support for the Iranian resistance and their goals, together with celebrations and tributes to many of the events that mark their history.

And, despite the very real dangers, there is a thriving underground music scene in Iran, where men and women perform together in basement studios, or at private parties, the women often throwing off their head coverings to play, or listen, to jazz, hip hop, pop and rock and roll.

So, music is the food of love - and resistance.  Turn up your PC speakers and enjoy! It is a work in progress so new music and more stories are being added all the time. If  you like what you read and hear, return yourself, and tell your friends.

Nosrat -  the most well-known of the female performers singing from the Ashraf Concert Hall in both Farsi and English.

Marjan - actress and singer in Iran before the 1979 revolution. Now lives in America and sings for the resistance.

Marzieh -  "I sang for the birds, for the river, the trees and the flowers, but not the mullahs".

Hellena Rezai - A young Canadian-Iranian student and active supporter of the Iranian resistance, seeking freedom, democracy and gender equality for Iran. The voice of the new generation, keeping the spirit of resistance very much alive. 

Songs for Ashraf  - Made in Ashraf celebrations and moving tributes to the living and to the dead..

Behroo Saabet - A tribute to Behrooz Saabet.  Behrooz was a Singer of Songs of Resistance against Tyranny, Martyred in the massacre in Ashraf on 8 April 2011.

From the Ashraf concert hall  -  Although the beautiful concert hall, built by the residents with acoustics and elegance in mind, is now silent and empty, it lives on in the videos of performances that symbolised the spirit of resistance to a regime that will not allow such music to be heard.

From supporters worldwide - Songs dedicated to the Iranian resistance and their goals by lovers of justice and freedom around the world.  

Happy we are from Tehran - the video made dancing to Pharrell Williams "Happy" which got the young dancers arrested and very much in the public eye, together with other Iranian produced versions of the song. 

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