The Link For Freedom Foundation campaigns to assist Iranian supporters of the third way, achieve peaceful democratic change for the better in Iran. These organisations are in turn supported by International Parliamentarians, current and former Ambassadors, and Military Organisations familiar with events on the ground in Iran and the wider Middle East.
Paris Grand Gathering June 27th 2014
Paris Grand Gathering June 27th 2014

100,000 free-thinking Iranian opposition supporters listen intently to a speech

Commentators have often compared the annual opposition grand gathering in Paris as similar to a concert.  The supporters, and the thousands of Iranian supporters living outside Iran and intermingled with the international crowd, present an uplifting image that the citizens of Iran would have if they were free from the control of the dictatorial mullahs.  

The contrast between the happiness of the crowds you see here, and the typical image of the population in Iran as seen in the media is intentional.

Cheerleaders wait patiently for Maryam Rajavi to arrive spell out Ashraf in letters

Parliamentarians and Supporters of the Iranian Opposition
In addition to substantial European Parliamentary support, a large number of UK parliamentarians are very concerned about Camp Liberty in particular, and Iran generally.  This support is detailed elsewhere on the website.  A recent UK Parliamentary Early Day Motion attracted 79 MP signatures without being promoted.

Mike Freer MP and LFF's Liz Carter

Alejo Vidal-Quadras with Steve Infield


Dr Matthew Offord and Saleem, one of our supporters

Lord Ken Maginnis

Lord John


Maryam Rajavi arrives at the Grand Gathering
The most anticipated part of the day, surely has to go to Marion Rajavi, and her spectacular entrance thronged by supporters, with security officials taking care to ensure her arrival went smoothly.

What do a schoolteacher, town planner, marketer, scientist, civil servant, project manager, dentist and a hundred thousand more people with an equally diverse set of backgrounds have in common?  

Simply a shared desire to see Iran's extremist theocratic mullahs thrown out into the wilderness and replaced by a secular, democratic, and inclusive government.  A properly elected government that recognises its people's desire to be free, and to encourage them to use their prodigious talent to proudly contribute and build a modern Iran who can once again take its place in the world's nations.

We would like to introduce you to just some of Iran Liberty's supporters who came to Paris from all parts of the UK.  Just click here or the image collection to view on Flikr (can't help the occasional ad!).

(There's a small number of faces to which we haven't got a name.  If you are one of those, can you drop us a line at, quote the image number, hover your mouse over it to view, and we'll swiftly put that right.)


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