The Link For Freedom Foundation campaigns to assist Iranian supporters of the third way, achieve peaceful democratic change for the better in Iran. These organisations are in turn supported by International Parliamentarians, current and former Ambassadors, and Military Organisations familiar with events on the ground in Iran and the wider Middle East.

Endeavouring to chart the story of Iranian people's resistance to an unusually large number of external and internal oppressors from 1813 to the present day is a challenge! 

We have used the popular MyHistro, a cloud-based visual, maps, and word presentation system, to easily display historical time periods and focus on specific narratives, i.e., current unrest and nuclear talks, to make understanding easier, rapid and self-paced.

We are finding that in addition to simply presenting the stories, a considerable number of visitors are finding the MyHistro timelines independently and they are clearly being used as a reference by others as well as campaigners.

Historical Timelines are newest at top.  Scroll down for specific narratives.



Iranian Resistance from November 2014 to date...
This opens on the high note about the news that another 235 people have been transferred from Camp Liberty to Albania.

Iranian Resistance August to November 2014
From increased proof of Iranian regime influence for own ends in Syria, Iraq and beyond, to the collapse of yet another deadline after 12 years of nuclear “negotiations".
Iranian resistance May to August 2014
Al-Maliki and Al-Abadi as PM of Iraq; role of Iranian regime in Syria and Iraq, resistance and its suppression inside Iran; major fall-out from the British Foreign Office; sudden rise of ISIS.

Iranian resistance December 2013 to April 2014
PMOI supporters struggle against government forces of inaction, appeasement and collusion; Syrian cause becomes closer linked; protests in Iran.; Iraq elections focus on Al-Maliki bid for 3rd term

Iranian resistance 2012 to 2013
Completion of move to Camp “Liberty; Completion of PMOI de-listing in US; fatal attacks at Liberty and Ashraf; hunger strike to its 108 day conclusion

Iranian Resistance 2009 to 2012
Siege, massacres, hostage taking, misinformation aplenty, with silence and inaction from the world’s leaders; the Persian Spring crushed and PMOI duped into agreeing to re-location from Ashraf.

Iranian resistance 2003 to 2009

From the fall of Saddam Hussein to handover of Ashraf to Al-Maliki Iraq government; raid on NCRI Paris HQ and elsewhere; PMOI removal from UK, EU terrorist listings

Iranian resistance 1989 to 2003
From deals with Iran leading to terrorist labels for the PMOI to the official end of the Iraq war

Iranian resistance 1979 - 1989
The People’s Revolution hijacked by Khomeini imposing 'absolute clerical rule', to the death of Khomeini

Iranian resistance, historical background 1813 to 1979
Bids for self-determination and democracy de-railed in days of Empire


Iran's Unrest September 2014 on...
Tracking Stories of Iranian social unrest and economic challenges under the mullahs as the economy fails

Nuclear Talks Timeline v Camps Ashraf & Liberty Attacks since 2002
Showing the connections between nuclear talks progress and attacks at Camps Ashraf & Liberty since 2002



Iran from 1900 to 2014

Iran from 1900 to 2014

Iran from 2014 - today

    Iran from 2014 - today

Nuclear Talks Timeline v Camps Ashraf & Liberty Attacks

Showing the connections between nuclear talks progress and attacks at Camps Ashraf & Liberty since 2002

Iranian Resistance 8 November 2016 to 5 February 2017

From the US election to US Inauguration plus 2 weeks

Iran's Unrest September 2014 on...

Tracking Stories of Iranian social unrest and economic challenges under the mullahs as the economy fails

Iranian resistance, historical background 1813 to 1979

Bids for self-determination and democracy de-railed in days of Empire

History of the Iranian Resistance January to February 2016

The lines are drawn ever more clearly between those who value human life and those who will do anything to “make a buck” and stay in control

History of Iranian Resistance 9 September to 1 November 2016

From leaving Camp Liberty to the US election via 1988 campaign

History of Iranian Resistance 3 July to 9 September 2016

To the Grand Gathering and its aftermath

History of Iranian Resistance 8 April to 30 June 2016

Pressure builds up on all sides

History of Iranian resistance 27 February to 8 April 2016

History of Iranian resistance 27 February to 8 April 2016

History of Iranian Resistance October to December 2015

In the wake of the nuclear deal. Uniting against extremism inside and outside Iran - fatal attacks on Camp Liberty and Paris.

Iranian resistance 1979 - December 1989

The People’s Revolution hijacked by Khomeini imposing 'absolute clerical rule', to the death of Khomeini

History of Iranian Resistance July - September 2015

While the nuclear deal rumbles on through Congress review………..

Iranian Resistance April to July 2015

From a 2 April 2015 “framework of a deal” to the 30 June 2015 deadline for the detail - sort of!

Iranian resistance August 1989 to April 2003

From deals with Iran leading to terrorist labels for the PMOI to the official end of the Iraq war

History of Iranian resistance from 24 November 2014

From the November 2014 nuclear deadline to the end of March 2015, much else also happened in the world

Iranian Resistance August to November 2014

From increased proof of Iranian regime influence for own ends in Syria, Iraq and beyond, to the collapse of yet another deadline after 12 years of nuclear “negotiations."

Iranian resistance May to August 2014
Al-Maliki and Al-Abadi as PM of Iraq; role of Iranian regime in Syria and Iraq, resistance and its suppression inside Iran; major fall-out from the British Foreign Office; sudden rise of ISIS leads to...
Iranian resistance December 2013 to April 2014

PMOI supporters struggle against government forces of inaction, appeasement and collusion; Syrian cause becomes closer linked; protests in Iran.; Iraq elections focus on Al-Maliki bid for 3rd term

Iranian resistance May 2012 to December 2013

Completion of move to Camp “Liberty; Completion of PMOI de-listing in US; fatal attacks at Liberty and Ashraf; hunger strike to its 108 day conclusion

Iranian Resistance February 2009 to February 2012

Siege, massacres, hostage taking, misinformation aplenty, with silence and inaction from the world’s leaders; the Persian Spring crushed and PMOI duped into agreeing to re-location from Ashraf.

Iranian resistance April 2003 to January 2009

From the fall of Saddam Hussein to handover of Ashraf to Al-Maliki Iraq government; raid on NCRI Paris HQ and elsewhere; PMOI removal from UK, EU terrorist listings

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights - and how the Iranian regime observes it in the breach

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights -  and how the Iranian regime observes it in the breach

As the Trump Administration continues to bed in. The first 100 days.



History of the Iranian resistance 19 May to 15 November 2017

The Iranian regime’s usual tricks do not seem to be working

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