The Link For Freedom Foundation campaigns to assist Iranian supporters of the third way, achieve peaceful democratic change for the better in Iran. These organisations are in turn supported by International Parliamentarians, current and former Ambassadors, and Military Organisations familiar with events on the ground in Iran and the wider Middle East.
International Participants

Former government leaders, senior officials worldwide - excluding the USA

As with the former senior officials of various US administrations, many senior officials of other countries around the world find it easier to speak openly and align with compassionate and humanitarian aims such as the support of the PMOI in Ashraf/Liberty, once they have retired or at least are no longer in government,.

Mohammed al-Aarabi, former foreign minister of Egypt;

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014 

Dr. Ayham Al-Samarie -  former Minister of Electricity of Iraq from 2003 to 2005

International Conference in Paris – 20th January 2012

Michelle Alliot - Marie - former French Minister of Defence,  Justice and Home Affairs (2002 - 2011)

Call for return of Liberty residents to Ashraf and appointment of an impartial envoy by the UN to replace Martin Kobler - 9th March 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

Gerhard Baum – former German Federal Minister of the Interior

Ashraf Residents and Obligations of the International Community, Paris – 24th March 2012

Sali Berisha - FormerAlbanian Prime Minister 

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

Yves Bonnet - Former Director of Surveillance, France under President Mitterand 1982 - 1985.

International Conference in Paris – 20th January 2012

Ambassador John Bruton– Ambassador to the United States, former President of Ireland

“We want justice and the right to life for 3,400 people currently confined in Ashraf and Camp Liberty.  These people need at the earliest opportunity to be resettled in the US or Western Europe.  They want to see a democratic Iran. The people of Iran will get democracy as a result of your determination.”(Paris Grand Gathering 23 June 2012)

Paris Grand Gathering - 18 June 2011

International Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels – 7th February 2012

Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Kim Campbell - former Prime Minister of Canada

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

Paolo Casaca – Former Member of European Parliament, founder of Friends of Free Iran

International Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels – 7th February 2012

Iran Opposition Leader Maryam Rajavi visits Spain, 19th December 2012

Philippe Douste-Blazy - former French Foreign Minister and Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General

Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis  – Paris 6th January 2012

International Conference in Paris – 20th January 2012

Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

Ashraf Residents and Obligations of the International Community, Paris – 24th March 2012

Raymonde Folco – former member of Canadian Parliament

Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012

Sid Ahmed Ghozali – former Prime Minister of Algeria

Paris Grand Gathering - 18 June 2011

Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17th November 2012

UNHCR is responsible for protecting Camp Liberty residents, Geneva – 27th February 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Geir Haarde, - Former Prime Minister of Iceland

 Paris Grand Gathering - 18 June 2011

 International Conference in Paris – 20th January 2012

 Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 David Kilgour, - Former minister, Canadian government

  Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Bernard Kouchner  - former French Minister of Foreign Affairs and a doctor. He is the co-founder of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and Médecins du Monde.

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Pandeli Majko -  Former Prime Minster of Albania

  Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

  Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014 leading huge Albainain delegation of teachers, lawyers doctors, nurses etc. exceeding promise of 22 made in 2012

 Shokrieh Peykan - Member of Afghanistan Parliament.

 Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

 Rita Sussmuth – former President of German Bundestag

 Paris Grand Gathering - 18 June 2011

  Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012

  Call for return of Liberty residents to Ashraf and appointment of an impartial envoy by the UN to replace Martin Kobler - 9th March 2013

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

 Dr. Gunter Verheugen - professor at the European University Viadrina campus in Frankfurt and was formerly a European commissioner

 Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis – Paris 6th January 2012

 Ashraf Residents and Obligations of the International Community, Paris – 24th March 2012

  Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

  UNHCR is responsible for protecting Camp Liberty residents, Geneva – 27th February 2013

Rama Yade,  former Advisor to Foreign Minister on Human Rights and Vice President of French Radical Party;

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero - Former Prime Minister of Spain (2004 to 2011)

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014