The Link For Freedom Foundation campaigns to assist Iranian supporters of the third way, achieve peaceful democratic change for the better in Iran. These organisations are in turn supported by International Parliamentarians, current and former Ambassadors, and Military Organisations familiar with events on the ground in Iran and the wider Middle East.
International Participants

Humanitarian organisations and individuals, academics and women’s rights activists

 Many of the individuals committed to the support of the PMOI and the people of Ashraf have themselves suffered privation and the consequences of injustice and inhumanity. They understand very well the pressures to conform and to surrender their dreams. They recognise the very special nature of these people in Ashraf and their ability to remain cheerful in the face of adversity and focussed on the goal of freedom for their country and its people. 

 Many women’s rights activists are particularly drawn to the people of Ashraf, due to the courage and perseverance of the 1000 women there and their successful transition to gender equality, with the active support of their male colleagues.

 Amnesty International - very pro-active in their support for the men and women of Ashraf, issuing many Urgent Action statements since the first fatal attack on the residents 28/29 July 2009

 Urgent Action statement 22 December 2011 calling on Iraqi authorities to ensure the protection of the people of Ashraf

 Press release 9 February 2013 calling on Iraq to urgently investigate that day’s attack against Iranian exile amp

 Martha Jean Baker - representing the Women’s International League For Peace And Freedom (WILPF)

 Conference on deficiencies of Camp Liberty despite UN approval, London – 25th February 2012

 Amal Basha – Yemeni, Nobel Prize Candidate

 Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012

 Ingrid Betancourt – former Columbian Presidential candidate and former hostage

 International Conference in Paris – 20th January 2012

Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012

Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17th November 2012

UNHCR is responsible for protecting Camp Liberty residents, Geneva – 27th February 2013

Call for return of Liberty residents to Ashraf and appointment of an impartial envoy by the UN to replace Martin Kobler - 9th March 2013

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Klaus Bresser – former Chief Editor of German Channel 2 TV

 Ashraf Residents and Obligations of the International Community, Paris – 24th March 2012

 Francois Colcombet

 International Conference in Paris – 20th January 2012

 Lady Val Hudson Corbett - Journalist, author, et alia Founding President of the Hoxton Apprentice (“a hand up not a hand out”) and the Hoxton Apprentice Professional Women’s Network.  Wife of the late Lord Robin Corbett.  After his death she published a booklet in tribute to him, his career and the various causes he espoused,  including his long support for the Iran opposition.

 “I have worked with, and for, women my entire career.  We are simply terrific.”

 The motto of the Hoxton Apprentice Professional Women’s Network: “There’s a special place in hell for any woman who doesn’t help another woman.”  Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State in Bill Clinton’s government said it first but we have taken it to our hearts. And minds … and lungs… kidneys …”

 Chairwoman for - Iranian Women:  The force for Democratic Change in Iran - Committee room 10, Houses of Parliament, London 5th March 2013

 Cynthia Fleury – French modern philosopher

 Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012

 Andre Glucksmann - French philosopher and writer

 Glucksmann criticises the notion that Islamic terrorism is a product of the clash of civilizations between Islam and the West, arguing that the first victims of Islamic terrorism are Muslims:

 International Conference in Paris – 20th January 2012

  Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

 Mr Jandali – Syrian Composer and Pianist

 Rally against presence of Ahmedinejad in New York, United Nations – 26th September 2012

 Irene Khan - Secretary General of Amnesty International (2001-2009):

 “How can Ashraf residents rely on the Iraqi government to provide protection and assistance in another point of Iraq when the Iraqi government could not protect them in Camp Ashraf.”

 Italian Parliament - 6th July 2011

 Bruce McColm - founder and president of the Global Initiative for Democracy

 New York Symposium – Bipartisan Group of US Leaders calls on State Department to remove Iranian Dissidents from Terror List and urges UN to protect them - 11th February 2012

Improvements demanded at Camp Liberty, Iraq, before further Iranian dissidents are relocated there, Washington DC – 30th May 2012

Gilbert Mitterrand, President of France Liberte foundation, Human Rights organisation founded by his mother Danielle Mitterrand on 4 May 1986

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Sara Phillips – woman’s rights activist from US - daughter of General David Phillips

 Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012

 Professor Ivan Sasha Sheehan - Director of the graduate program in Negotiation and Conflict Management at the University of Baltimore. Specializes in the intersection of global terrorism, counterterrorism and international conflict management

 Improvements demanded at Camp Liberty, Iraq, before further Iranian dissidents are relocated there, Washington DC – 30th May 2012

 Lady Odile Slynn - French-born, British humanitarian and social activist.  Wife of the late Lord Slynn of Hadley, Law Lord.

 Memorial for Lord Slynn, London 15th May 2010

Iranian Women:  The force for Democratic Change in Iran - Committee room, Houses of Parliament, London 5th March 2013

 Mr George Stifo - Member and spokesperson of the Syrian Support Group (SSG) providing resources for the Free Syrian Army

 Rally against presence of Ahmedinejad in New York, United Nations – 26th September 2012

 Aude de Thuin – founder and President of Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society in France

 Paris Grand Gathering - 18 June 2011

Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012

International Conference looking at Change in Iran in 2013, Paris – 2nd February 2013

 Dr. Nontombi Tutu – Human rights activist and daughter of Archbishop Desmond Tutu

 Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

 Elie Wiesel - Holocaust survivor and memoirist, Nobel Peace Prize winner, 1986 when called a “messenger to mankind”

 As through his struggle to come to terms with “his own personal experience of total humiliation and of the utter contempt for humanity shown in Hitler’s death camps”, as well as his “practical work in the cause of peace”, Wiesel had delivered a powerful message “of peace, atonement and human dignity” to humanity.

 Breaking the silence about Ashraf - Paris - 27th April 2011