The Link For Freedom Foundation campaigns to assist Iranian supporters of the third way, achieve peaceful democratic change for the better in Iran. These organisations are in turn supported by International Parliamentarians, current and former Ambassadors, and Military Organisations familiar with events on the ground in Iran and the wider Middle East.
International Participants



Key Members

    The Rt. Hon Lord Archer of Sandwell, QC - Chair
    David Amess, Conservative MP

Key Supporters

    Stephen Grosz
    Lord Inglewood, DL
    Brian Binley, MP Northampton
    Baroness Harris of Richmond (Angela Harris)
    Baroness Gould of Potternewton (Joyce Gould)
    The Rt. Hon. The Lord Renton, QC

    Lord Clarke of Hampstead (Anthony Clarke)
    Lord Alton of Liverpool (David Alton)
    David Amess - Conservative MP
    Lord King of West Bromwich (Tarsem King)
    Baroness Gibson of Market Rasen (Anne Gibson)
    Claire Miskin
    Malcolm Fowler
    Baroness Turner of Camden (Muriel Turner)
    Lord Taverne, QC (Dick Taverne)
    Lord Fraser of Carmyllie, QC (Peter Fraser)
    Rudi Vis
    David Drew
    Lord Russell-Johnston of Minginish (Russell Johnston)
    Lord Dholakia of Waltham Brooks (Navnit Dholakia)
    Bill Bowring
    Mark Muller
    Edward Grieves


Many current parliamentarians have known the PMOI/NCRI and their struggle to bring freedom for the oppressed people in Iran for many years and have been steadfast in their support, despite the appeasement policies of many governments towards the Iranian regime.

However, since the first fatal attack on the unarmed and defenceless men and women of Ashraf in July 2009, international support has gathered pace and more high-profile individuals are speaking out.

By 2010, the majority of all-party members in the British Parliament, the US Congress and many countries of the European Union pledged, and continue to pledge, their support for the people of Ashraf. They are joined by large numbers from other countries around the world.

Since the move to the inhumane conditions of Camp Liberty during 2012, the final delisting of the PMOI in the United States, and the fatal rocket attacks on Camp Liberty on 9 February and 15 June 2013, the support from the international community has become even more committed and determined.

The 1 September 2013 slaughter of 52 of the 101 men and women remaining in Ashraf to dispose of their assets and the abduction of 6 women and 1 man will, we believe, prove to be the defining moment in achieving the aims of freedom for Iran. The worldwide horror at this cold-blooded action by Iraqi special forces, the inaction of the US, UK and EU to secure the release of the hostages, the hundreds around the world who endured a 108 day hunger strike, all these events have raised the bar on this situation to new heights. This has become a very personal matter for Iranians and non-Iranians alike. 

Pedro Agramunt  - Head of EPP group at the European Council

Paris Grand Gathering, - 27 June 2014 

Nariman al-Rousan - Member of Jordanian Parliament

Paris Grand Gathering - 18 June 2011

Lord David Alton of Liverpool - chair of International Solidarity for Democratic change in Iran, website

From his Preface to “Enemies of the Ayotollahs” by Mohammad Mohadessin, published 2004

“When in October 2003, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-Elect of the National Council for Resistance in Iran, called for a referendum under United Nations supervision to give the people of Iran a fair chance to determine their own destiny through the ballot box, the reaction from the ruling ayotollahs was predictably negative. But the idea of such a referendum has struck a deep chord among Iranians of all walks of life and pressure on the clerical leaders is rising. The West must add its voice to those who support such a referendum as the best option and perhaps a final opportunity to resolve the Iranian crisis peacefully.”

David Amess - British MP, Chair of the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom (replacing Lord Robin Corbett of Castle Vale who died 19 February 2012)

The Committee enjoys the support of a majority of all-party MPs and some 200 Peers. (Link to

UK Parliament - International Community has a duty to protect the residents of Ashraf - 31 January 2012

Conference on deficiencies of Camp Liberty despite UN approval, London – 25th February 2012

Ashraf Residents and Obligations of the International Community, Paris – 24th March 2012

Edith Bauer – Slovakian Member of European Parliament

International Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels – 7th February 2012

Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012

Ardelean ben-oni, Senator from Romania.

Paris Grand Gathering, - 27 June 2014

Jean-Pierre Béquet, member of Val d’Oise provincial council;

Paris Grand Gathering, - 27 June 2014

Otto Bernhardt, Chair of German Committee in Solidarity with Free Iran; ;

Paris Grand Gathering, - 27 June 2014

Brian Binley - British MP

“It is time to change our thirty year old policy towards Iran. We have gone beyond all reasonable limits in tolerating this regime and the result has been a terrible injustice. So I say to the UN, to the European Council, to the British Government, the American government, listen to the views of the real supporters of Iran. Recognise the National Council of Resistance and its President, Mrs. Rajavi, as the voice of the Iranian people.” (Paris Grand Gathering 2012)

UK Parliament - International Community has a duty to protect the residents of Ashraf - 31 January 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Emma Bonino – Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Baroness Boothroyd – former speaker of House of Commons

UK Parliament - Chair - International Community has a duty to protect the residents of Ashraf - 31 January 2012.

Conference on deficiencies of Camp Liberty despite UN approval, London – 25th February 2012

Jean-Pierre Brard - Member of the French National Assembly. President of the French Committee for a Secular and Democratic Iran

Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

Dr Najat Bubakr – Member of Parliament, Palestine

Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012

Lord Carlile of Berriew, Q. C. - a prominent member of the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom, in 2001 he was appointed the Government’s Independent Reviewer of the Terrorism Act 2000, and later of Part 1 of the Terrorism Act 2006, with regular reporting to Parliament on the legislation in operation, a post he fulfilled until 2011.

Lord Carlile has written many articles in support of the people of Ashraf.. After the success of the legal challenge to the PMOI listing in the UK as a terrorist organisation, he directed his efforts to securing the removal also from the EU and US lists.

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014 spoke on behalf of a high-level delegation from both British Houses, jurists, and prominent political and human rights activists in UK;

Carlo Ciccioli - Member of the Italian Parliament

Paris Grand Gathering - 18 June 2011

International Conference in Paris – 20th January 2012

Senator Jose Maria Chiquillo – member of Spanish Senate Foreign Affairs Commission

Iran Opposition Leader Maryam Rajavi visits Spain, 19th December 2012

International Conference looking at Change in Iran in 2013, Paris – 2nd February 2013

Judy Chu – US House of Representatives

Improvements demanded at Camp Liberty, Iraq, before further Iranian dissidents are relocated there, Washington DC – 30th May 2012

Lord Clarke of Hampstead – former chairman of the Labour Party

UK Parliament - International Community has a duty to protect the residents of Ashraf - 31 January 2012

Conference on deficiencies of Camp Liberty despite UN approval, London – 25th February 2012

Dirk Claus - president of the Belgian Committee of Parliamentarians for a Democratic Iran

International Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels – 7th February 2012

Lord Robin Corbett of Castle Vale - Head of Labour Peers Group in UK House of Lords, Chairman of the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom until his death 19 February 2012)

Led delegation of Members of the European Parliament and Norway parliament to Ashraf 18/19 October 2008 and reported findings expressing concern at the forthcoming handover to the Iraqi government..

Immediately prior to his death Lord Corbett signed a letter posted in the Guardian 23 February 2012, together with 49 other MPs, Peers, Bishops and lawyers condemning the atrocities committed at Ashraf and expressing concern at the conditions of Camp Liberty.

Paris Grand Gathering - 18 June 2011

Jacques Desallangre – Member of French National Assembly

Ashraf Residents and Obligations of the International Community, Paris – 24th March 2012

Margarita Duran Duvall - Spanish Senator

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014 leading the Spanish delegation

Anne Ferreira  Vice President of te Regional Council of Picardy

Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012

Baroness Ilora Finlay - a Welsh doctor, professor of palliative medicine, and an Independent Crossbench member of the House of Lords.

Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012

Juan Garces –Chamber of Deputies and Senate of Spain

Iran Opposition Leader Maryam Rajavi visits Spain, 19th December 2012

Baroness Harris of Richmond - Deputy speaker of the House of Lords

UK Parliament - International Community has a duty to protect the residents of Ashraf - 31 January 2012

Jim Higgins – Irish Member of European Parliament

International Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels – 7th February 2012

Tunne Kelam – Member of European Parliament

Meeting of the Friends of a Free Iran - European Parliament, Brussels – 6th June 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Bariza Khiari – Vice President of French Senate

Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012

Lord King of West Bromwich - Former Mayor of West Bromwich and one of the 35 appellants that took the UK government to court leading to the PMOI’s de-proscription in the United Kingdom

UK Parliament - International Community has a duty to protect the residents of Ashraf - 31 January 2012

Conference on deficiencies of Camp Liberty despite UN approval, London – 25th February 2012

Dominique LefebvreMember of French National Assembly

Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17th November 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 27 June 2014

Jean-Francois LegaretMayor of the 1st District of Paris (Premier arrondisement)

November 24 2009, at the City Hall in Paris, Mayor Jean-François Legaret, presented the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, Maryam Rajavi, with a plaque of a declaration as well as the mayors’ signed documents.

Entitled “Democracy for Iran: Protection for Dissidents, it was signed by 5,000 French mayors, including 200 senators and members of the National Assembly, together with the presidents of 13 out of 26 administrative regions in France, voicing support for the rights of the residents of Camp Ashraf, which stands as the symbol of the Iranian nation’s dignity and quest for freedom and democracy. The mayors described Ashraf as the sister city of 5,000 cities in the Republic of France.

Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 27 June 2014

Irene Lozano Chamber of Deputies and Senate of Spain

Iran Opposition Leader Maryam Rajavi visits Spain, 19th December 2012

Lord Maginnis – Ulster Unionist Member of House of Lords from Northern Ireland

International Conference in Paris – 20th January 2012

UK Parliament - International Community has a duty to protect the residents of Ashraf - 31 January 2012

Conference on deficiencies of Camp Liberty despite UN approval, London – 25th February 2012

Senator Lucio MalanItalian senator

Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis – Paris 6th January 2012

Ashraf Residents and Obligations of the International Community, Paris – 24th March 2012

Mrs Carolyn MaloneyMember of US congress

Rally against presence of Ahmedinejad in New York, United Nations – 26th September 2012

Atef Makhalif – Egyptian Parliamentary delegation

International Conference looking at Change in Iran in 2013, Paris – 2nd February 2013

Jean-Pierre Michel, Senator and founder of French Committee for a Democratic Iran;

Paris Grand Gathering, - 27 June 2014

Matthew Offord - British MP

UK Parliament - International Community has a duty to protect the residents of Ashraf - 31 January 2012

Conference on deficiencies of Camp Liberty despite UN approval, London – 25th February 2012

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Statement 25 January 2012, Strasbourg, calling on Iraqi authorities not to turn Camp Liberty into a prison and the UNHCR to work in Ashraf without delay to affirm refugee status of the residents.

Written declaration 516 26 April 2012 condemning conditions at Camp Liberty and the inhuman pressure by the Government of Iraq on its residents.

Stanislav Polcak – Head of Constitutional Legal Committee, Czech Parliament

International Conference looking at Change in Iran in 2013, Paris – 2nd February 2013

Carmen Quintanilla – Chair of Spanish Women’s Committee

International Conference looking at Change in Iran in 2013, Paris – 2nd February 2013

Naima Rabaa – Member of Moroccan Parliament

Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012

Juku-Kalle Raid – Estonian Member of Parliament

International Conference looking at Change in Iran in 2013, Paris – 2nd February 2013

Lars Rise - President of the Norwegians Friend of Free Iran Committee.

Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

Jean-Charles Rielle - Member of the Swiss Federal Parliament

Paris Grand Gathering - 18 June 2011

Francisco Jose Alonso Rodriguez – Chamber of Deputies and Senate of Spain

Iran Opposition Leader Maryam Rajavi visits Spain, 19th December 2012

Ms. Neli Rolland, Mayor of Villepinte;

Paris Grand Gathering, - 27 June 2014

Struan Stevenson – Member of the European Parliament, founder of Friends of Free Iran intergroup

International Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels – 7th February 2012

Meeting of the Friends of a Free Iran - European Parliament, Brussels – 6th June 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Friends of free Iran inter-group - European Parliament 20 February 2013

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

Giulio Maria Terzi, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs (until his resignation April 2013)

Paris Grand Gathering, - 27 June 2014

Baroness Turner of Camden -

“It is time our government tells the government of Iraq that the atrocities must stop and the residents must be returned to Ashraf, because they are clearly not being looked after in Liberty.” (London 5th March 2013)

UK Parliament - International Community has a duty to protect the residents of Ashraf - 31 January 2012

Iranian Women: The force for Democratic Change in Iran - Committee room 10, Houses of Parliament, London 5th March 2013

Tasha de Vasconcelos – humanitarian Ambassador for the European Union

Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012

Call for return of Liberty residents to Ashraf and appointment of an impartial envoy by the UN to replace Martin Kobler - 9th March 2013

Alejo Vidal-Quadras Vice President European Parliament, President, International Committee In Search of Justice (ISJ). ISJ enjoys the support of over 4000 parliamentarians on both sides of the Atlantic.

“We have a moral duty to fight alongside you. We want action taken, by the Iraqi government to treat the residents of Liberty according to the principles of humanity and respect of human rights, by the EU to accept resettlement in Europe by the residents, and by the UN to accelerate the procedure of granting the status of asylum seekers for the residents.” (Paris Grand Gathering 23 June 2012)

Paris Grand Gathering - 18 June 2011

International Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels – 7th February 2012

Meeting of the Friends of a Free Iran - European Parliament, Brussels – 6th June 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Iran Opposition Leader Maryam Rajavi visits Spain, 19th December 2012

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering 27 June 2014

Alain Vivien - former French Minister of State for European Affairs and currently President of the French Committee for a democratic Iran

Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis – Paris 6th January 2012

Eric VoruzSwiss Member of Parliament

UNHCR is responsible for protecting Camp Liberty residents, Geneva – 27th February 2013

Jordi Xucla – Member of Parliament, Spain, head of ALDE group at Council of Europe

Iran Opposition Leader Maryam Rajavi visits Spain, 19th December 2012

International Conference looking at Change in Iran in 2013, Paris – 2nd February 2013

Paris Grand Gathering, - 27 June 2014

Terence Young - Member of Canadian Parliament

Paris Grand Gathering, - 27 June 2014