The Link For Freedom Foundation campaigns to assist Iranian supporters of the third way, achieve peaceful democratic change for the better in Iran. These organisations are in turn supported by International Parliamentarians, current and former Ambassadors, and Military Organisations familiar with events on the ground in Iran and the wider Middle East.
International Participants

Officers of the US Forces responsible for, or serving on the ground in, Iraq between 2003 and December 2011, when the last remaining US forces withdrew.

 The US military in Iraq played a crucial and very much appreciated role in making sure the lives of the people of Ashraf were safeguarded, once they realised the truth of the situation on the ground and deemed the US State Department wrong in their assessment of them as terrorists.

 Since then they have shown unswerving and passionate personal responsibility for, and commitment to, the safety and well-being of the men and women of Ashraf. They were there and they know.

 Lt. Colonel Thomas Cantwell - Commander of 324th MP Battalion, Camp Ashraf, Iraq,

 Speaking in May 2005: 

 “When I moved up into northern Diyala province [in Iraq], the relationship of the Mojahedin with the local community helped me in that regard, I think because most of the local sheiks, understanding as part of the Sunni triangle, weren’t exactly trusting of coalition forces but they seemed to have some level of trust with the Mojahedin…”

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 General George Casey

 New York Symposium – Bipartisan Group of US Leaders calls on State Department to remove Iranian Dissidents from Terror List and urges UN to protect them - 11th February 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 General Wesley Clark, U.S. Army (ret.) -Former Supreme Allied Commander Europe:

 Paris, April 27, 2011.

 “The State Department is reconsidering the foreign terrorist organization listing. Why wouldn’t they take an organization like this off the list? I think they will. I think they must.”

 Brussels, May 25, 2011

 “I’ve seen no evidence that this is a terrorist organization. I’ve asked for this, none has been presented. I can see no reason why they should remain on the foreign terrorist organization list. None…”

 General James Conway - former commanding General of the 1st Marine Division in Iraq, and the 34th Commandant of the Marine Corps.

 Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis  – Paris 6th January 2012

Former US Officials say they will not be intimidated or silenced, Washington DC – 6th April 2012

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 General David Deptulaformer Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaisance

 “Removing the MEK is in the United States best interest from a national security perspective. Removal would also send a strong message to the Iranians that their efforts to unseat the radical fundamentalist leaders would no longer be viewed by the United States as terrorism, but rather as an exercise of their legitimate right to change the future.” (15 May 2012)

 New York Symposium – Bipartisan Group of US Leaders calls on State Department to remove Iranian Dissidents from Terror List and urges UN to protect them - 11th February 2012

Panel to refute claim Camp Ashraf could hold weapons and calling for de-listing of MEK, Washington DC – 15th May 2012

 Captain Josh Felker - an Army spokesman,

 Speaking in May 2003:

 “The MEK was never fighting coalition forces.”… “They are a very respected fighting force and as such we are treating them courteously”, Felker said. “Even though they are recognized as a terrorist organization, basically we don’t want to disrespect them. Coalition forces will not allow any other forces to occupy Iraq at this time.”

 Captain Vivian Gembara - Ex-JAG officer, Lawyer to the 4th Infantry Division,

 Speaking in May 2005

 “As a soldier and a lawyer I believe it’s time to change their (MEK) classification as a terrorist organization… The potential benefits of working together definitely overshadow previous concerns or hesitations that we had.”

 Colonel David Hunt– Counterterrorism expert

 Improvements demanded at Camp Liberty, Iraq, before further Iranian dissidents are relocated there, Washington DC – 30th May 2012

 General James Jones – former National Security advisor, former Commander of Supreme Allied Command, Europe

 Panel supporting Iranian dissidents urges de-listing of the MEK and resettlement of Ashraf residents in third countries, Washington DC – 25th August 2012

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

 Colonel Wesley Martin - Former anti-terrorism protection officer of all coalition forces in Iraq and base Commander for Camp Ashraf

 Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis – Paris 6th January 2012

UK Parliament - International Community has a duty to protect the residents of Ashraf - 31 January 2012

Conference on deficiencies of Camp Liberty despite UN approval, London – 25th February 2012

Ashraf Residents and Obligations of the International Community, Paris – 24th March 2012

Improvements demanded at Camp Liberty, Iraq, before further Iranian dissidents are relocated there, Washington DC – 30th May 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17th November 2012

International Conference looking at Change in Iran in 2013, Paris – 2nd February 2013

 Lieutenant Colonel Leo McCloskey– Commander of forward operating base in Ashraf until 2008

 Ashraf Residents and Obligations of the International Community, Paris – 24th March 2012

Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17th November 2012

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 General Richard Myers, U.S.A.F. (ret.) - Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

 Washington, DC, April 14, 2011

 “Delisting the MEK is surely the right thing to do and it’s way past time to do that.”

  General Dan McNeill – former Coalition Forces Commander in Afghanistan

 Panel supporting Iranian dissidents urges de-listing of the MEK and resettlement of Ashraf residents in third countries, Washington DC – 25th August 2012

 “I don’t advocate that there should be an armed conflict right now in Iran, because I know how difficult replacing that regime by force would be. But I do advocate replacing such a repressive government, by plebiscite and popular demand, it would be far far better. It would also set an example for others in the region.

 So, again, I respect and admire what you stand for and what you’re trying to do. I’m grateful that I could be part of this today, especially with everybody at this table.”

 Warren Murphy - Indiana National Guard’s 76th Brigade,

 August 7, 2009:

 “I also went on several missions to Ashraf and found the people there cooperative and friendly toward us. We should be helping these folks in every way necessary. Repayment for the help they have given us is the least of the reasons to do so. Rescuing them from oppression under the Iraqi government or certain execution if repatriated to Iran is the only action that has a shade of right, and it is easily within our ability to do so.

Lt. Colonel Julie S. Norman - Military Police, JIATF Commander,

Speaking on August 24, 2006:

 “The PMOI [MEK] has encouraged and assisted various Iraqi groups to join the political process and dialogue with the US forces… The PMOI has been encouraging peaceful methods in its surrounding community for the establishment of a secure and democratic Iraq and has respected the laws of Iraq…

 “The PMOI [MEK] has always warned against the Iranian Regime’s meddling and played a positive and effective role in exposing the threats and danger of such interventions; their intelligence has been very helpful in this regard and in some circumstance has helped save the lives of soldiers. Recommend that the facilitation of intelligence continue.”

 General Raymond T. Odierno - Commanding General, Army’s 4th Infantry Division (2001-2004),

 Speaking on May 10, 2003:

 NORTHEASTERN IRAQ – Speaking at a Mujahedeen base near the Iranian border, said they [MEK] appeared to be committed to democracy in Iran and their cooperation with the United States should prompt a review of their “terrorist” status.

 “I would say that any organization that has given up their equipment to the coalition clearly is cooperating with us, and I believe that should lead to a review of whether they are still a terrorist organization or not,” he said… Asked what role they could play in the future of Iraq, Odierno said only that they shared similar goals to the United States in “forming democracy and fighting oppression” and that they had been “extremely cooperative.”  The deal was not a surrender but an agreement “to disarm and consolidate”.

 General Peter Pace,U.S.M.C. (ret.), - Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

 Washington, DC, February 19, 2011

 “Some folks said to me this week if the United States government took the MEK off the terrorist list it would be a signal to the Iranian regime that we had changed from a desire to see changes in regime behaviour to a desire to see changes in regime. My response to that is: sounds good to me.”

 General David Phillips – Chief of Military Police and former Commander of all Police operations in Iraq. Responsible for the safety and security of Camp Ashraf 2003-05 and 2008

 Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis – Paris 6th January 2012

International Conference in Paris – 20th January 2012

Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

Conference on deficiencies of Camp Liberty despite UN approval, London – 25th February 2012

Panel to refute claim Camp Ashraf could hold weapons and calling for de-listing of MEK, Washington DC – 15th May 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17th November 2012

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Speaking as Colonel David Phillips on May 27, 2005:

 “I am the commander of the 89th Military Police Brigade and in that role was responsible for the safety and security of Camp Ashraf from January – December 2004… We always had open dialog and debated different subjects. I was exceptionally impressed with the dedication of the female units. These units were professional and displayed strong support for freedom, democracy and equality for women… Were it not for the ongoing insurgency throughout Iraq, I would sanction my daughter to travel to Camp Ashraf and meet these very dedicated and professional female members of the Mujahedin…”

 General Hugh Shelton - 14th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1997 to 2001

 International Conference in Paris – 20th January 2012

New York Symposium – Bipartisan Group of US Leaders calls on State Department to remove Iranian Dissidents from Terror List and urges UN to protect them - 11th February 2012

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 General Chuck Wald  - former deputy commander of the United States - European command

 Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis – Paris 6th January 2012

 Russell Wohlford - US soldier speaking on August 24, 2006:

 “I was in Iraq in 2003-04. I was there when the MEK peacefully capitulated and turned over their arms. I was a member of a team that verified the small arms and crew-served weapons that had been turned in…

 “For the record, I would have been honoured to fight along their side against the Islamic Revolution and most of the guys, the Joes, would have too.. I would also like to say that it infuriated us that we had these guys penned up in their compounds while SCIRI and the Badr Corps were running rampant all over the Diyala Province. We caged the wrong bird.” 

  General Anthony Zinni, U.S.M.C. (ret.) - Former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Central Command:

 Washington, DC, January 20, 2011

 “I know you all realize you are seeing not only the bi-partisanship that was mentioned. You are seeing leadership from our Congress, administrations past and present, from our military and from our intelligence agencies and law enforcement. You have an entire spectrum here that feels the same way. I think what you are going to hear up here is a continuous set of comments much like you’ve heard already: the need to remove the MEK from this list of terrorists, the need to support the opposition groups and understand who they are.”