The Link For Freedom Foundation campaigns to assist Iranian supporters of the third way, achieve peaceful democratic change for the better in Iran. These organisations are in turn supported by International Parliamentarians, current and former Ambassadors, and Military Organisations familiar with events on the ground in Iran and the wider Middle East.
International Participants

 US senior officials, both Republican and Democrat, from the current Obama administration and the three previous administrations.

 As witness of their support, many of these officials have spoken openly about events of which they had first-hand knowledge during their terms of office. They shed light on the political response to the People’s Mojaheddin Organisation of Iran (PMOI)/Mojaheddin e-Khalq (MEK), and to the current beleaguered situation of the PMOI members in Iraq. Prior to the de-listing of the PMOI as a terrorist organisation in September 2012, many of these officials resigned their posts  in order to be able to speak freely. Despite this many have endured unwanted smear campaigns, including in some cases investigations into their business and financial affairs. They have remained steadfast...

 Secretary Spencer Abraham - former Secretary of Energy under President George Bush

 Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

Lincoln Bloomfield Jr - former Under-secretary for the Sate Department. Asked to write objective report on MEK  in August 2011 as part of the de-listing campaign, moving from negative to positive quite rapidly once he put the evidence under scrutiny. Then reported very powerfully and positively to Congress on 7 December 2011 after visit to NCRI headquarters in France. In 2013  published "Shackled by a Twisted History"  to express his positive position towards the MEK even more publicly and in 2014 came in person to the Grand Gathering in Paris.

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014  

 Senator Roy Blunt – Select Committee on Intelligence

 Panel to refute claim Camp Ashraf could hold weapons and calling for de-listing of MEK, Washington DC – 15th May 2012

 Ambassador John Bolton - former Undersecretary of State and the United States’ Permanent Representative to the United Nations

 Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis – Paris 6th January 2012

Ashraf Residents and Obligations of the International Community, Paris – 24th March 2012

Former US Officials say they will not be intimidated or silenced, Washington DC – 6th April 2012

Improvements demanded at Camp Liberty, Iraq, before further Iranian dissidents are relocated there, Washington DC – 30 May 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23 June 2012

Rally against presence of Ahmedinejad in New York, United Nations – 26 September 2012

Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17 November 2012

UNHCR is responsible for protecting Camp Liberty residents, Geneva – 27 February 2013

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Secretary Andrew Card - member of United States Cabinet and head of President George Bush White House Iraq Group

 Paris Grand gathering - 18 June 2011

Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

 Glenn Carle – former deputy for transnational threats, CIA

 Former US Officials urge formation of Commission of Inquiry about conditions at Camp Liberty, Iraq – Washington DC, 25th February 2012

Ashraf Residents and Obligations of the International Community, Paris – 24th March 2012

 Linda Chavez – former White House Director of Public Liaison

 Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012

Panel to refute claim Camp Ashraf could hold weapons and calling for de-listing of MEK, Washington DC – 15th May 2012

Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17th November 2012

Call for return of Liberty residents to Ashraf and appointment of an impartial envoy by the UN to replace Martin Kobler - 9th March 2013

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014 co-moderated the event with Frances Townsend

Ambassador Philip Crowley - assistant secretary of state from 2009 to 2011

Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

Improvements demanded at Camp Liberty, Iraq, before further Iranian dissidents are relocated there, Washington DC – 30th May 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

International Conference looking at Change in Iran in 2013, Paris – 2nd February 2013

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Mayor Richard M Daley

 Former US Officials urge formation of Commission of Inquiry about conditions at Camp Liberty, Iraq – Washington DC, 25th February 2012

 Senator D’Amato - an American lawyer and former Republican Senator from New York, 1981 to 1999.

 Panel supporting Iranian dissidents urges de-listing of the MEK and resettlement of Ashraf residents in third countries, Washington DC – 25th August 2012

Danny Davis,  Member of Congress

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Governor Howard Dean - former Chairman of the Democratic Party and a former candidate for the presidency of the United States

 Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis  – Paris 6th January 2012

International Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels – 7th February 2012

New York Symposium – Bipartisan Group of US Leaders calls on State Department to remove Iranian Dissidents from Terror List and urges UN to protect them - 11th February 2012

Former US Officials urge formation of Commission of Inquiry about conditions at Camp Liberty, Iraq – Washington DC, 25th February 2012

International Conference looking at Change in Iran in 2013, Paris – 2nd February 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

Patricia Solis Doyle, Senior Adviser to the U.S. Presidential Campaign in 2008

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Director Louis Freeh -  former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 1993 - 2001, with personal experience of the background to the 1997 listing of the PMOI on the US List of Foreign Terrorist Organisations (FTO)

 Very active speaker on behalf of the PMOI during 2011, describing his experiences. (Link to his February 2011 speech in London)

 Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis – Paris 6th January 2012

New York Symposium – Bipartisan Group of US Leaders calls on State Department to remove Iranian Dissidents from Terror List and urges UN to protect them - 11th February 2012

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Speaker Newt Gingrich – former Speaker, House of Representatives

 Rally against presence of Ahmedinejad in New York, United Nations – 26th September 2012

International Conference looking at Change in Iran in 2013, Paris – 2nd February 2013

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Honourable Marc Ginsberg – former US Ambassador to Morocco and White House adviser for Middle East policy

 Former US Officials say they will not be intimidated or silenced, Washington DC – 6th April 2012

Panel supporting Iranian dissidents urges de-listing of the MEK and resettlement of Ashraf residents in third countries, Washington DC – 25th August 2012

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

Mayor Rudy Giuliani - Former Mayor of New York City at time of 9/11

“Let’s say to the people in Ashraf and Liberty:  you’re not alone, you’re not forgotten.  Anything that happens to you we will know, we will stand with you.  We will protect you.  And we look forward to a time when you are free and we can all join you in Iran with freedom and democracy and the rule of law.”

 Paris Grand gathering - 18 June 2011

International Conference in Paris – 20th January 2012

New York Symposium – Bipartisan Group of US Leaders calls on State Department to remove Iranian Dissidents from Terror List and urges UN to protect them -11th February 2012

Former US Officials urge formation of Commission of Inquiry about conditions at Camp Liberty, Iraq – Washington DC, 25th February 2012

Ashraf Residents and Obligations of the International Community, Paris – 24th March 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Rally against presence of Ahmedinejad in New York, United Nations – 26th September 2012

Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17th November 2012

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Porter Goss - former Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

 International Conference in Paris – 20th January 2012

Panel supporting Iranian dissidents urges de-listing of the MEK and resettlement of Ashraf residents in third countries, Washington DC – 25th August 2012

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

 Speaker Dennis Hastert – former House speaker

 New York Symposium – Bipartisan Group of US Leaders calls on State Department to remove Iranian Dissidents from Terror List and urges UN to protect them - 11th February 2012

Panel supporting Iranian dissidents urges de-listing of the MEK and resettlement of Ashraf residents in third countries, Washington DC – 25th August 2012

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Ambassador Stuart Holliday –former US Ambassador for special political affairs

 Former US Officials say they will not be intimidated or silenced, Washington DC – 6th April 2012

 Avi Jorisch - policy adviser at the Treasury Department’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, a liaison to the Department of Homeland Security, and Arab Media and Terrorism Consultant for the Department of Defence

 Former US Officials urge formation of Commission of Inquiry about conditions at Camp Liberty, Iraq – Washington DC, 25th February 2012

 Ambassador Robert Joseph - Held a number of posts relating to security and nuclear policy including former US Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security/ .

 Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

Patrick Kennedy - former Member of US House of Representatives until 2011

Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis – Paris 6th January 2012

International Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels – 7th February 2012

New York Symposium – Bipartisan Group of US Leaders calls on State Department to remove Iranian Dissidents from Terror List and urges UN to protect them - 11th February 2012

Ashraf Residents and Obligations of the International Community, Paris – 24th March 2012

Panel to refute claim Camp Ashraf could hold weapons and calling for de-listing of MEK, Washington DC – 15th May 2012

Improvements demanded at Camp Liberty, Iraq, before further Iranian dissidents are relocated there, Washington DC – 30th May 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Panel supporting Iranian dissidents urges de-listing of the MEK and resettlement of Ashraf residents in third countries, Washington DC – 25th August 2012

Rally against presence of Ahmedinejad in New York, United Nations – 26th September 2012

Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17th November 2012

Iran Opposition Leader Maryam Rajavi visits Spain, 19th December 2012

UNHCR is responsible for protecting Camp Liberty residents, Geneva – 27th February 2013

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Ambassador Philip LaderUS Ambassador to Great Britain

Former US Officials urge formation of Commission of Inquiry about conditions at Camp Liberty, Iraq – Washington DC, 25th February 2012

Sheila Jackson Lee - US Congresswoman  

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013 

Joseph Lieberman - former US senator

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

Fox News Interview - 8 July 2014

Dick Morris – former White House adviser

Improvements demanded at Camp Liberty, Iraq, before further Iranian dissidents are relocated there, Washington DC – 30th May 2012

Ted Poe - Republican US congressman, Chair of sub-committee on terrorism

Introduced 113th Congress House Resolution 89 on 28th February 2013 condemning the 9th February 2013 attack on Camp Liberty. 77 co-sponsors to date, 15th May 2013

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013 

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

Ambassador Mitchell Reiss - Former Director of Policy Planning of US Department of State

Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis – Paris 6th January 2012

Former US Officials say they will not be intimidated or silenced, Washington DC – 6th April 2012

Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17th November 2012

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Governor Ed Rendell - former Governor of Pennsylvania and chairman of the National Governors Association

Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis – Paris 6th January 2012

Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

Former US Officials say they will not be intimidated or silenced, Washington DC – 6th April 2012

Improvements demanded at Camp Liberty, Iraq, before further Iranian dissidents are relocated there, Washington DC – 30th May 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17th November 2012

UNHCR is responsible for protecting Camp Liberty residents, Geneva – 27th February 2013

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

 Governor Bill Richardson - governor of New Mexico from 2003 to 2011, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and energy secretary

 Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

Panel to refute claim Camp Ashraf could hold weapons and calling for de-listing of MEK, Washington DC – 15th May 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Rally against presence of Ahmedinejad in New York, United Nations – 26th September 2012

International Conference looking at Change in Iran in 2013, Paris – 2nd February 2013

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Governor Tom Ridge - former governor of Pennsylvania and the first Secretary of Homeland Security in the immediate aftermath of 9/11

 Paris Grand Gathering - 18 June 2011

Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis – Paris 6th January 2012

Former US Officials urge formation of Commission of Inquiry about conditions at Camp Liberty, Iraq – Washington DC, 25th February 2012

Ashraf Residents and Obligations of the International Community, Paris – 24th March 2012

Improvements demanded at Camp Liberty, Iraq, before further Iranian dissidents are relocated there, Washington DC – 30th May 2012

Rally against presence of Ahmedinejad in New York, United Nations – 26th September 2012

Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17th November 2012

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

 Governor Bill Ritter – former Governor of Colorado

 Panel supporting Iranian dissidents urges de-listing of the MEK and resettlement of Ashraf residents in third countries, Washington DC – 25th August 2012

Dana Rohrabacher - Chair of the US Congress sub-committee on Europe, very active in support of the people of Ashraf and Camp Liberty

Led a congressional delegation to Paris to meet with Maryam Rajavi after the 9th February 2013 fatal rocket attack on Camp Liberty, Issued a statement 17th February criticising the US and UN and urging “The US government, the Secretary General of the United Nations and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to give top priority to resolving the security situation of the residents”

Loretta Sanchez - Member of Congress

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Director John Sano - Deputy Director of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service

 International Conference in Paris – 20th January 2012

Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012

Panel to refute claim Camp Ashraf could hold weapons and calling for de-listing of MEK, Washington DC – 15th May 2012

International Conference looking at Change in Iran in 2013, Paris – 2nd February 2013

 Congressman Tom Tancredo – former US congressman

 Former US Officials urge formation of Commission of Inquiry about conditions at Camp Liberty, Iraq – Washington DC, 25th February 2012

Improvements demanded at Camp Liberty, Iraq, before further Iranian dissidents are relocated there, Washington DC – 30th May 2012

 Raymond Tanter - served on the senior staff of the National Security Council and as personal representative of the Secretary of Defense to arms control talks in Europe in the Reagan-Bush administration. He teaches Terrorism and Proliferation as well as an introductory course on International Relations in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown.

 Wrote Foreword to “Enemies of the Ayotollahs” by  Mohammad Mohadessin, published 2004

 Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17th November 2012

Senator Robert Torricelli - member of the United States Senate from 1997 to 2003. Legal representative of Ashraf and Liberty residents.

Paris Grand Gathering - 18 June 2011

International Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels – 7th February 2012

Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012

Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17th November 2012

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014

 Frances Townsend- former Homeland Security Advisor to the US President

 Call for return of Liberty residents to Ashraf and appointment of an impartial envoy by the UN to replace Martin Kobler - 9th March 2013

Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Paris Grand Gathering - 27 June 2014 co-moderated the event with Linda Chavez