The Link For Freedom Foundation campaigns to assist Iranian supporters of the third way, achieve peaceful democratic change for the better in Iran. These organisations are in turn supported by International Parliamentarians, current and former Ambassadors, and Military Organisations familiar with events on the ground in Iran and the wider Middle East.
International Participants
The National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI) and Iranian support organisations in the UK, plus other useful websites worldwide

The National Council of Resistance in Iran has their headquarters in France, with Maryam Rajavi as the President-Elect of the Transitional Government of a free Iran.

 In addition, there are local supporter groups, established in Britain and many other countries, who are tireless in their efforts to procure the safety and well-being of the people of Ashraf and Liberty. They seek to promote awareness of the human rights violations taking place on a daily basis in Iran, the Iranian regime’s bid to become a nuclear power, and its activities and influence worldwide as a major exporter of terrorism. 

NCRI President-Elect Maryam Rajavi - President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran 

Paris International Conference – Ashraf Crisis – Paris 6th January 2012
International Conference in Paris – 20th January 2012
International Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels – 7th February 2012
Conference on the Anniversary of Anti-Monarchy Revolution, Paris – 11th February 2012
Conference on deficiencies of Camp Liberty despite UN approval, London – 25th February 2012 (by video)
Equality Activists support Women’s Uprisings in Arab World and Women of the Iranian Resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – Paris, 10th March 2012
Ashraf Residents and Obligations of the International Community, Paris – 24th March 2012
Paris Grand Gathering, - 23rd June 2012
Iran – PMOI de-listing and prospect of change in 2013, Paris – 17th November 2012
Iran Opposition Leader Maryam Rajavi visits Spain, 19th December 2012
International Conference looking at Change in Iran in 2013, Paris – 2nd February 2013
UNHCR is responsible for protecting Camp Liberty residents, Geneva – 27th February 2013
Onward to Freedom,  Paris Grand Gathering - 22 June 2013

Link to: Women - a Force for Change, 10 point democratic manifesto, 10 point gender equality statement etc.

International Liberty Association (formerly Iran Liberty Association)

International Committee in Support of the Third Option

No to War
No to Appeasement
Yes to Democratic change by the Iranian people

Additional Useful websites

DeList MEK - although delisting of the PMOI/MEK worldwide was finally achieved in 2012, this site remains a very useful archive repository.  It was developed by members of the community of Iranian-Americans who have family members in Camp Ashraf, Iraq.

It contains good information related to all the court actions to remove the PMOI/MEK from the various terrorist lists it was placed on for political reasons.

Includes a brief debunking of the Human Rights Watch (2005) and Rand (2009) reports with links to the first reports to counter them.

Also the Proscribed Organisations Committee report, November 2007, which resulted in the delisting of the PMOI by the UK government in 2008.

Iran Focus - gives good up to the minute news from within Iran and around the world. Good coverage of the upcoming elections in Iran, scheduled for 14th June 2013.

British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom (BPCIF) -

 Information about the activities of this committee, public statements, conference speeches etc.  Chair David Amess

 International Solidarity with Democratic change in Iran - an excellent source of information about all the conferences held in the United States, the UK and Europe,since January 2012, including full text, photos and video of speeches,  speakers and audiences.  There is also a special section for Mr. Tahar Boumedra and his special insight into the conditions at Ashraf and Liberty due to his specific role with the United Nations.

 This group is chaired by Lord David Alton of Liverpool

  Link for Freedom Foundation-  This website.  Developed by ordinary British citizens to mobilise support and campaign for our own Government and other democratic organisations, such as the United Nations, to fulfil their obligations to the men and women of Ashraf and Liberty and support the desire of the PMOI and NCRI for peaceful democratic change in Iran. 

 Also to provide information and access to information to raise awareness and help people to understand the history of  Iranian resistance to oppression and the challenges  facing the PMOI and NCRI in their continuing struggle for self-determination and freedom for their country.


Simay Azadi - Live Iran National TV station showing real news and views, historical and satirical.  Sadly only in Farsi although the website does have an English translation facility for the text items. Well worth a look.

This is a lifeline for the people in Iran as it is their window to a world of hope and inspiration, where they can see the truth of what is happening in the wider world, especially news of the people of Ashraf and Camp Liberty, and all the efforts being made on their behalf by their Iranian family in exile and the growing brother and sisterhood of the International community..

It is also the source of information about what is really going on in the world, especially with regard to the Middle East, for millions of Iranians in exile around the world and for us non-Iranians also.  It opens the doors of perception of the world and enables us to see only too clearly, regardless of the language barrier, how little real news is reported to us via the normal newspaper and television channels.

It receives no official funding, is very expensive to run and is an essential organ of the resistance movement.  In Iran, it is an offence punishable by death to own a satellite dish which can receive this broadcast and the regime is always trying to find ways to block the signal, or disrupt the service. This is especially true in the run up to the elections of 14th June. Despite these challenges, it is estimated that over 40% of the population of Iran regularly watches simay azadi.